Friday, December 24, 2021




因此,當我偶然發現 mmi68外送茶時,我意識到我的概括實際上有一定的分量。


我猜,這被選項加劇了。 該理論是由兩位心理學家 Marcia Guttentag 和 Paul Secord 提出的,並發表在他們 1983 年的著作《太多女人?性別比例問題。



你會認為這是一個簡單的權衡:誰擁有更多的 魚訊,誰就選擇誰。





因此,婦女參與勞動力和婦女識字率下降。 在等式的另一端,在女性人數超過男性的社會中,男性不會利用他們的二元力量來形成愛的關係。




聽起來有點熟? 因此,無論哪種方式,女性都會失敗。

我們要么受到高度重視,有愛的關係但 社會經濟實力低,要么我們有自己的事業,但與不置可否的男人打交道。

1998 年, 外送茶全套約砲 解鎖新姿勢檢驗了 Guttentag-Secord 理論。

他們分析了來自超過 117 個國家的數據,發現在大多數情況下,該理論得到了支持。


也許他們得出的最有趣的觀察結果是,與發展中國家相比,發達國家的 Guttentag-Secord 動態更為極端。

當你看看西方世界的大學生群體時,女性在黑桃上超過了男性。 當我發現 Guttentag-Secord 理論時,我感覺自己花了八年時間摸索著終於得到了答案。


但這些人似乎只出現在大城市。雖然我在鄉村小鎮和小城市認識的男人似乎都在 25 歲左右安定下來,

但我在悉尼等大城市認識的男人會一直混到 25 歲,然後繼續前行,繼續在表面上熱情地繁榮起來。




現在讓我們考慮一下 Guttentag-Secord 理論如何應用於在線約會領域。


如果我們將 約砲約不成 閉上眼睛深呼吸~想想妹妹就打出來了應用於它,女性將使用他們的二元力量來尋找愛情和陪伴,而男性將使用他們的二元力量來……四處遊蕩。




只需要一個文本。 我希望我能給你的唯一安慰是:當你遇到某人並且因為他們還沒有準備好承諾而沒有成功時,要知道這並不總是關於你。

我希望 ddi78外送茶至少提高了您對發揮作用的外部和系統因素的認識。 但這一切都等同於同一件事,真的。


Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Lancaster Therapy Groups Helps Individuals to Overcome Mental Health Issues


Counselor and the executive director of The Sun Point Wellness Center, Laura Morse, LPC facilitates new support groups in Lancaster to help people in need through troubled times.


Lancaster, Penn. – There comes a time in most people’s lives when challenges and obstacles seem to be overwhelming. It is in these periods of stress that compassionate counselors and effective, targeted group therapy can help. Some people, however, are reluctant to make that initial contact with a therapist one on one, or within a group setting. Board Certified Counselor, Laura Morse, M.ED, CSAT in Lancaster says this kind of nervousness is all too common. therapy lancaster pa


“It is normal for people needing therapy or group counseling to have trepidation and nervousness about getting started,” said Morse. “We give people a safe place to open up about their lives, identify problems and overcome personal issues.”


Morse and the counselors at Sun Point Wellness Center of Lancaster, Penn. offer a FREE phone consultation to give interested parties a chance to speak to someone and determine if group counseling would be helpful.


Potential clients can call and speak to a counselor at no charge. The therapist can advise them and answer questions about what kinds of benefits group counseling offers. This gives the individual the chance to decide whether or not group therapy is right for them. It is free and completely anonymous.


“We have several options for group therapy available. One of our more popular groups is for young adults who are trying to make their mark in the world. Many of today’s youth seem to be lost and aimless, so our group sessions give them a chance to focus, set goals and interact with others in similar situations,” said Morse. Other popular support groups address women’s issues and the challenges that come when dealing with pain management.


All group counseling sessions are done within a private, closed group. This means no new people will be added to a counseling session once started. The same people will stay together until the end of the therapy period, usually six to eight weeks.


Morse also offers other individualized therapy options at The Sun Point Wellness Center and is available to take calls with questions about starting a personal therapy session.


Additional information, including details about various group and individual therapies, is available at Visit the website to find out how to make initial contact, and get started on the path to a happier life.


About Laura Morse:

Sun Point Wellness Center is founded on the belief that all who seek therapy have unique needs. We work with you to understand those needs and provide high-quality services to individuals, couples, and families. We believe that an evidence-based and caring approach is the best way to give you the support you need on your path to wellness. We're conveniently located in downtown Silver Spring, Maryland & Lancaster, Pennsylvania.








SunPoint Wellness

Laura Morse, Executive Director


Phone: (301) 960-8991